the founder
About Kate
“It’s my mission to increase women’s participation in running through inspiration, motivation, education and empowerment.”
A few years ago I was a mum to 2 young boys and a wife to a DIDO (drive in, drive out) husband. I had decided that I needed something to challenge myself. It was then I that had made the decision to teach myself how to run 2km without stopping. Over the years I had slowly built the distance to 5km and then 10km.
It was after completing my first 10km mud obstacle course event as part of my husbands 40th birthday celebrations that I knew that I wanted more. Over the next few years friends were following my facebook posts on all the different running events I was completing and asking questions all sorts of questions about running. It was then that I realised that there was a need for someone in the recreational running community to help give direction to those just like myself.
I completed my training with Athletics Australia and as an accredited Level 2 Advanced Recreational Running coach, changed my career from early childhood to run coaching and have never looked back.
While the crazy long distance of ultra marathons (50-100km) is where I like to run, I certainly don’t expect others to be like me. However, I do want other women to share that feeling of achieving a goal that you never would have thought possible.
I clearly remember running in my first 5km event. I still remember how I felt at the finish line. And I want you to feel it too.
Because running isn’t about how far you run, and it’s not about how fast you run. Running is about how it makes you feel.

Our philosophy
Just Run With It is about allowing women to recognise their potential and building their self confidence to chase after that goal. There’s no judgement. Only lots of encouragement, inspiration, support and laughter. Everyone has their own way in reaching their goal… the important thing is that we Start Together, Finish Together… what we do in the middle is our own journey. We don’t forget our men… blokes are more than welcome to join the crew.